Quebec Observatory on Caregiving - Knowledge portal on caregiving
Helping caregivers self-identify: strategies for professionals and practitioners
This infographic is based on the report “Caregiver Recognition and Self-Recognition: Challenges and Practices” (2023) by the Quebec Observatory on Caregiving.
Toward Better Recognition and Support: A Profile of Quebec’s Caregivers
This infographic highlights key findings from the statistical report "Who are Quebec’s caregivers and what kinds of support do they provide? An age- and gender-based analysis" (2023) published by the Quebec Observatory on Caregiving.
Quelques pistes pour reconnaître, comprendre et soutenir les jeunes personnes proches aidantes
This webinar (in French), which was broadcast on October 26 2022, reviews the current scientific knowledge to better recognize, understand, and provide more effective support to young caregivers.
Les enjeux des proches aidants de personnes atteintes de cancer : Répondre à leurs besoins avec des interventions d’autogestion
In this webinar (in French), researcher Sylvie Lambert shares the findings from her studies on the unmet needs of those who care for cancer sufferers and presents two interventions aimed at supporting them.
Caregiver Recognition and Self-Recognition: Challenges and Practices
These publications present the results of a literature review on the definitions, benefits, practices and challenges of caregiver recognition and self-recognition.
Infographie interactive – Trajectoire des parents personnes proches aidantes d’enfants autistes
Cette infographie interactive décrit les moments charnières, les transitions et les défis que peuvent vivre les parents personnes proches aidantes d’enfants autistes ainsi que les facteurs influençant leur trajectoire.
What Is a Caregiver? Would You Know One to See One?
This infographic takes up the concepts presented in the definition of ‘caregiving’ in the Act to recognize and support caregivers.
Between Work, Children and Aging Parents: The Challenges of “Sandwich Generation” Caregivers
This infographic highlights key findings from the statistical report "Who are Quebec’s caregivers and what kinds of support do they provide? An age- and gender-based analysis" (2023) published by the Quebec Observatory on Caregiving.
Who are Quebec’s caregivers and what kinds of support do they provide? An age and gender-based analysis
This report (40 pages) profiles caregivers through the lens of age and gender and the support they provided in Quebec in 2018. It draws on a compilation carried out by the Institut de la statistique du Québec (ISQ) based on the Statistics Canada 2018 General Social Survey (GSS) – Caregiving and Care Receiving.
Fact Sheet: Financial Support for Caregivers
This fact sheet presents a round-up of the financial support currently available in Quebec for caregivers. It also identifies the challenges caregivers encounter in terms of accessing support as well as how support can impact their lives.