CIUSSS West-Central Montreal - Knowledge portal on caregiving
Toward Better Recognition and Support: A Profile of Quebec’s Caregivers
This infographic highlights key findings from the statistical report "Who are Quebec’s caregivers and what kinds of support do they provide? An age- and gender-based analysis" (2023) published by the Quebec Observatory on Caregiving.
Entre les services, les bonnes pratiques et les mesures : mise en perspective du soutien aux personnes proches aidantes
This research report (140 pages, in French) examines the support available to caregivers in Quebec, Canada and internationally.
Cartography of Factors Influencing Family Members/Carers’ Experiences of Loss. A Tool to Develop Targeted Actions. User Guide.
This user guide presents and explains the cartography of factors influencing how carers and family members experience loss. This cartography is a tool that can be used to identify individuals apt to encounter challenges during bereavement and also identifies resources in their environment that can provide further support.
Between Work, Children and Aging Parents: The Challenges of “Sandwich Generation” Caregivers
This infographic highlights key findings from the statistical report "Who are Quebec’s caregivers and what kinds of support do they provide? An age- and gender-based analysis" (2023) published by the Quebec Observatory on Caregiving.
Who are Quebec’s caregivers and what kinds of support do they provide? An age and gender-based analysis
This report (40 pages) profiles caregivers through the lens of age and gender and the support they provided in Quebec in 2018. It draws on a compilation carried out by the Institut de la statistique du Québec (ISQ) based on the Statistics Canada 2018 General Social Survey (GSS) – Caregiving and Care Receiving.
COVID-19 : Mieux soutenir les personnes proches aidantes de résidents en CHSLD
This webinar (in French) examines how COVID-19 affected the family caregivers of seniors living in public long-term care centres (CHSLD). It discusses the caregivers’ main needs in the context of COVID-19 and explores various inspiring practices for meeting them.
Ateliers pour prévenir l’épuisement des personnes proches aidantes (PPA). L’expérience du CIUSSS du Centre-Ouest-de-l’Île-de-Montréal et du Groupe des aidants du Sud-Ouest (GASO)
This document (in French) is part of a series of guides in a best practices compendium aimed to support and promote full recognition of caregivers of older adults. It looks at a psychosocial support tool — workshops on preventing caregiver burnout — offered by the Integrated Health and Social Services University Network for West-Central Montreal (CIUSSS West-Central Montreal) and the Groupe des aidants du Sud-Ouest (GASO).
Personnes proches aidantes de résidents des milieux d’hébergement et de soins de longue durée en contexte de COVID-19
This report (in French) outlines the primary needs of those who were the caregivers of long-term care facility residents during the pandemic and suggests various possible approaches to managers and decision-makers.
Caregiving and Homecare: Older Immigrants and Their Families
This policy brief (6 pages available in English and French) summarizes the discussions from a roundtable organized in 2019 regarding the situation of caregiving among immigrant populations.