Caregiving and Homecare: Older Immigrants and Their Families

This policy brief (6 pages available in English and French) summarizes the discussions from a roundtable organized in 2019 regarding the situation of caregiving among immigrant populations.
Year: 2020
Languages: French
Format: Summary document
Dimension(s) of caregiving:
  • Realities of caregiving
  • Society and caregiving

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CALL 811 (Info-Santé/Info-Social). If you need support or have concerns or questions about your health or that of a family member or friend, call 811 to speak to a nurse or psychosocial worker. Bilingual and available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, it’s free and confidential.

To speak to a caregiver counselor about a difficult situation, ask questions or get a referral, call l’Appui’s Caregiver Support Helpline.
Bilingual; open daily from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.

1 855 852-7784
[email protected]

To find community resources offering caregiving information and support near you, consult l’Appui’s Resource Directory or Proche aidance Québec's list of member organizations (in French only).


This policy brief (6 pages) is based on a meeting held on April 12, 2019. Focused on caregiving and immigrant older adults, the round table brought together some 48 participants from various organizations, including researchers and older people from immigrant backgrounds. ‎ The brief presents an analysis of the discussions on caregiving in immigrant populations and outlines the realities and challenges these caregivers face, particularly in relation to the experience of migration and language barriers. ‎A final section proposes solutions for certain issues and challenges that are specific to caregivers in this demographic.