Publications by
Sophie Éthier - Knowledge portal on caregiving
Mistreatment of Older Caregivers (ECG) and Caregivers for the Elderly (CGE): Recognition, Heightening Awareness and Prevention
This report (50 pages) sets out to raise awareness of the mistreatment of caregivers, both those who themselves are older adults and those who care for older adults.
Authors: Organizations:
Assumer le rôle de proche aidant dans la bientraitance : une utopie ?
This webinar (in French) presented by Sophie Éthier and the Quebec Centre of Excellence on Aging explores the theme of caregiver wellness.
Outil d’intervention en matière de maltraitance envers les proches aidants
This webinar (50 min, in French) aims to inform and equip health social services professionals and personnel who work with caregivers and their families about the mistreatment of caregivers.