This document (17 pages, in French) traces the process through which the CIUSSS de l’Estrie–CHUS developed their guide for caregivers entitled Pour ne pas seulement survivre, mais vivre avec qualité ! Guide de soutien aux personnes proches aidantes – accompagnement en soins palliatifs et de fin de vie. The document is divided in two sections. The first describes the process, its interest for stakeholders and what it brings to existing caregiver services. The second aims to serve as a springboard for discussion on how best to apply the practice in different settings.
N.B. Though the practices described in this document may have evolved since its publication, they are still relevant in their capacity to inform and inspire initiatives that could benefit caregivers.
A video (9 min., in French) on the guide’s development was published on December 3, 2019 by the Communauté de pratique virtuelle Continuum aînés. The presenter is Mona Abaoui, knowledge broker for the CIUSSS de l’Estrie–CHUS.
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The document was produced in a caregiving practice community framework by the knowledge transfer team at the Institut Universitaire de première ligne en santé et services sociaux (IUPLSSS), part of the CIUSSS de l’Estrie–CHUS. It is one of a series of guides in a best practices compendium that covers a range of caregiving topics. Created to promote the support and full recognition of caregivers, and informed by ongoing practices in different Quebec health and social services establishments, the compendium is directed at all public, associative, community and private sector stakeholders involved in caregiving.