9,3 millions de personnes déclarent aider régulièrement un proche en situation de handicap ou de perte d’autonomie en 2021

This summary document (6 pages, in French) outlines the findings of the Vie quotidienne et santé (VQS) survey conducted in France between February 2021 and April 2022.
Year: 2023
Languages: French
Format: Summary document
Dimension(s) of caregiving:
  • Realities of caregiving

Need help? →

CALL 811 (Info-Santé/Info-Social). If you need support or have concerns or questions about your health or that of a family member or friend, call 811 to speak to a nurse or psychosocial worker. Bilingual and available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, it’s free and confidential.

To speak to a caregiver counselor about a difficult situation, ask questions or get a referral, call l’Appui’s Caregiver Support Helpline.
Bilingual; open daily from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.

1 855 852-7784
[email protected]

To find community resources offering caregiving information and support near you, consult l’Appui’s Resource Directory or Proche aidance Québec's list of member organizations (in French only).


This summary document (6 pages, in French) outlines the findings ofthe Vie quotidienne et santé (VQS) survey, conducted in France between February2021 and April 2022. The survey set out to provide a snapshot of the living conditions of people of all ages, including their difficulties in carrying out everyday activities and any assistance they receive. It was designed by the Direction de la recherche, des études, de l’évaluation et des statistiques (DREES) and carried out by the Institut national de la statistique et des études économiques (INSEE). Survey highlights are presented in the form of graphs and charts; a list of references is also included foranyone who would like to find out more.