Developed jointly by the Quebec Observatory on Caregiving and Centre for Research and Expertise in Social Gerontology (CREGÉS), thisfact sheet summarizes the different forms of financial support available to caregivers in Quebec. It also addresses the challenges...
In this latest issue, the Observatory announces several new features. These include the start-up of the Knowledge portal on caregiving, the new statistical report on caregivers and the support provided (based on age and gender), and three original Observatory...
In this new report, the Observatory provides unique insights into the most reliable and up-to-date statistics on caregiving, drawn from Statistics Canada’s General Social Survey on Caregiving and Receiving Care (2018). The report analyzes these statistics based...
The Quebec Observatory on Caregiving is proud to release the English version of our interactive infographic “What is a caregiver? Would you know one to see one?” which draws on the most recent findings and statistics on key concepts set out in the Act to recognize and...
Caregiving is taking center stage at the 90th ACFAS Congress, the largest French-speaking scientific gathering of the year, scheduled to be held from May 8 to 12 in Montreal. We have thoroughly reviewed the congress program to identify seminars and presentations on...