Portrait des proches aidants et les conséquences de leurs responsabilités d’aidant

This statistical snapshot (in French) examines the characteristics of caregivers and those they provide care to. The impact of caregiving on family, personal and social life are also examined.
Year: 2015
Languages: French
Format: Summary document
Dimension(s) of caregiving:
  • Realities of caregiving
  • Repercussions of caregiving

Need help? →

CALL 811 (Info-Santé/Info-Social). If you need support or have concerns or questions about your health or that of a family member or friend, call 811 to speak to a nurse or psychosocial worker. Bilingual and available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, it’s free and confidential.

To speak to a caregiver counselor about a difficult situation, ask questions or get a referral, call l’Appui’s Caregiver Support Helpline.
Bilingual; open daily from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.

1 855 852-7784
[email protected]

To find community resources offering caregiving information and support near you, consult l’Appui’s Resource Directory or Proche aidance Québec's list of member organizations (in French only).


This statistical snapshot (10 pages, in French) examines the characteristics of caregivers and those they provide care to. The impact of caregiving on family, personal and social life are also examined, supported by tables and figures. The document is part of the Coup d’œil sociodémographique series from the Institut de la statistique du Québec (now Bulletin sociodémographique). The analysis is based on data collected in the Statistics Canada 2012 General Social Survey (GSS) – Caregiving and Care Receiving.‎‎‎

Though the most recent Statistics Canada survey on caregiving was in 2018, its findings are less detailed than the 2012 survey as regards the repercussions of caregiving. To further explore the most recent caregiver statistics and the kinds of support provided, we recommend reading the report (in French) “Qui sont les personnes proches aidantes au Québec et quel type de soutien apportent-elles ? An age and gender-based analysis.