New Website

The Quebec Observatory on Caregiving launches its new website.
17 October 2022
personnes proches aidantes apportant du soutien aux personnes aidées
To foster the recognition of caregivers and the many stakeholders who support them, the Observatory is launching its brand-new website this week!

Public and free, the new site is a gateway to pertinent, reliable and objective information whose purpose is to raise general awareness, stimulate action, inform decision-making and fuel research.

Whether you’re a caregiver, health or social services professional, practitioner, decision-maker or member of the scientific community, in the coming months you’ll have access to an extensive range of caregiving knowledge and resources.

Many thanks to our members and collaborators for their help with revising the content of and testing the beta version.

We’d love to hear your comments and suggestions! Write to us at [email protected].

Need help? →

CALL 811 (Info-Santé/Info-Social). If you need support or have concerns or questions about your health or that of a family member or friend, call 811 to speak to a nurse or psychosocial worker. Bilingual and available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, it’s free and confidential.

To speak to a caregiver counselor about a difficult situation, ask questions or get a referral, call l’Appui’s Caregiver Support Helpline.
Bilingual; open daily from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.

1 855 852-7784
[email protected]

To find community resources offering caregiving information and support near you, consult l’Appui’s Resource Directory or Proche aidance Québec's list of member organizations (in French only).


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