Now available in English: Who are Quebec’s caregivers and what kinds of support do they provide? An age- and gender-based analysis

This statistical report profiles Quebec caregivers through the lens of age and gender and the support they provided in 2018.
15 février 2024
Image Rapport ADS+ Observatoire ENG - Actualités

The statistical report Who are Quebec’s caregivers and what kinds of support do they provide? An age- and gender-based analysis profiles caregivers in Quebec through the lens of age and gender and the support they provided in 2018. This publication helps to better understand the diverse realities of caregiving in Quebec, as well as certain challenges.  

In addition, two new infographics highlight key findings from the report. The first infographic, titled Between Work, Children and Aging Parents: The Challenges of “Sandwich Generation” Caregivers illustrates the realities and consequences of the challenging balance between caregiving, family and employment on middle-aged adults. The second infographic Toward Better Recognition and Support: A Profile of Quebec’s Caregivers outlines the common characteristics of caregivers.  

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Soutien recherché : Agent·e de recherche

L’Observatoire québécois de la proche aidance est à la recherche d’un·e agent·e de recherche pour soutenir la réalisation de trajectoires de proche aidance en santé mentale ainsi qu’en soins palliatifs et de fin de vie.  

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