Now available in English: What is a caregiver? Would you know one to see one?

The interactive infographic highlights issues and realities concerning caregivers and care receivers, the nature of the support provided, and the potential repercussions of caregiving.
26 mai 2023

The Quebec Observatory on Caregiving is proud to release the English version of our interactive infographic “What is a caregiver? Would you know one to see one?” which draws on the most recent findings and statistics on key concepts set out in the Act to recognize and support caregivers.  

The issues and realities the infographic highlights concern caregivers and care receivers, the nature of the support provided, and the potential repercussions of caregiving. Overall, its aim is to promote self-recognition among caregivers and an acknowledgement of their role by those around them.

[click on the pdf to view the interactive version online]

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